Over the fence So Beautiful by Rooster
Technique only stacked pair. Cement as an adhesive. Iron plate into inter-rooster booster. Holes which highlighted the sun provides a beautiful shadow effects.
Once rooster become an important element in the residential building concepts tropical mangadopsi. He serves as a vent that can be breached air, sunlight, too. Therefore, common rooster on top of windows, doors, roofs and even walls. Hot tube room was so cool.
Now, the growing role of rooster. Concrete network printing can be perforated wall replacement fence. Located at the edge of common land boundaries of the house. Because the hole, when the sun highlight them, will create a beautiful shadow effects.
Applications beautiful rooster was on the front wall of the house Bambang Adi Prasetyo, in Bintaro, Tangerang. The size of the front wall of 6.5 m and 1.5 m wide, while the side wall of 2.2 m, adjacent to the side door to the room service.
Rooster measures 20cmx20cm with 10cm thick it weighs 4.5 kg. Although quite heavy, it can be installed intermittently stacked alternately. Adhesive inter-rooster just use regular cement.
Construction without using a pole or beam of admit. He just relies on the binding sloof foundation in the ground. Sloof is responsible for receiving and distributing the load to the foundation rooster.
"Rooster is only as wall filler material that did not receive a heavy burden. So it does not need complicated construction. In addition to cement paste, the amplifier just add a metal plate," said the architectural team that designed the sub studio that rooster wall.
Metal plate screwed on the top of the rooster. 4mm thick plate and 3cm wide. Function plate making rooster grew stiff. If the wind or pushed people tersenggol body, this rooster wall will not collapse.

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