Pura Gunung Kawi, Standing Between Archeological Sites
The interesting side of this temple is the presence of legacy building kings of ancient Balinese ash, including the temple carved directly on the cliffs, around the temple. Sculptures and buildings are now defined as archaeological sites must be preserved.
When to Bali, what do you do for a vacation there? Spend time playing on the beach, bought the painting and art in Ubud area, or visit places that have Balinese architecture buildings? Of all the existing agenda, how tertarikkah you to visit places that have Balinese architecture buildings? Ten people who asked about it said that the level of interest in a place like this is high enough.
Balinese architectural forms are not limited to commercial or residential buildings. Temple as a building of worship is a form of building that could become a tourist attraction coming to Bali.
The existence of temples in Bali is plural. Although tourists can not enter into the temple, looking at beauty of the temple from outside is quite charming tourists. Of all the temples in Bali, Pura Gunung Kawi temple is one which deserves your visit. Many reasons why the temple is located in the area of Banjar (hamlet) Penaka, Sukawati village, Sukawati district, Gianyar regency, Bali, should you go.
At least there are two reasons that can trigger you to come to this place. First because it was in the valley of the hill, and second because it was surrounded by carved temple directly on the wall.
Down approximately 320 steps
Entering the area of Gunung Kawi should prepare extra energy. This temple can only be reached on foot with a relatively long distance from the car park. From the gate, where visitors must buy a ticket for Rp 6000, we should be down about 320 steps. This is not because there lies the temple in the valley floor.
Travel down about 320 steps is not tiring because of the stairs around you can see the expanse of green fields storied land. In addition, if tired, you can rest in the stalls next to the existing stairs.
Arriving at the valley floor, you will enter a long hallway that is said to be prepared by splitting large rock. This corridor is the entrance to Gunung Kawi Temple area.
Found in the area around the beginning of the year 1910 was separated into two parts by the River / Tukad Pakerisan, part of the west and the east of the River Pakerisan. In the second section, you can see the temple that is attached directly on the cliff wall. Temple carved directly on the cliff wall that is the appeal of why you should come to this place.
Four clusters
Temple sculptures in this rock wall has several meanings and functions, both located in the west, and east Pakerisan River. According to several sources of literature, the existence of this sculpture inspired the naming of this area. There was a mention that the word carved in the ancient Javanese language is the Kawi. Because of the temples carved into the cliff walls and in the mountains, the temple in this area is called Pura Gunung Kawi.
Overall, the temple carvings at the cliff face in Gunung Kawi Temple area is divided into four clusters. The first cluster consists of 5 rows temples carved from the north to the south on the cliffs in the east side of river.
In the temple carvings in the north side there are the words "Haji Lumah Jalu Ing. Of this writing, there is a mention that the temple on the north side is used for the worship of the holy spirit palace of King Udayana. Meanwhile, the temple is next to the palace for the Empress and the children of King Udayana, Wungsu marakata and Children.
The second cluster consists of four carved temple row from north to south direction on the cliffs in the west side of river. Dr R Goris, archaeologists from the Netherlands, in some literaturya mentions that the fourth row of this temple serves as a temple (padharman) for the fourth king consort.
The third cluster is the monastery buildings and the niche (large cavities) are carved on the cliff located in the south of the first clusters. The fourth cluster is a temple and a niche that is used as a hermitage. Located in approximately 220 meters from the second cluster.
So, where puranya? This temple itself is located beside the first temples. Inside, the buildings complement the temple, such as pelinggih and bale perantenan.
Pura Gunung Kawi used during Piodalan ceremony. The ceremony is conducted every full moon is a ceremony of this came the worship of Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa, with all its manifestations through means pemerajan, temples, and the heaven.
Carved with a fingernail
If traced to the past, the existence of this temple can not be separated from the cluster-cluster existing sculpture. The writings in each sculpture that serves as the archaeological data indicates that Pura Gunung Kawi made in the 11th century.
This can be seen from the writings of "Haji Lumah Jalu Ing. This written form is a form of writing the quadratic Kadiri commonly used in the kingdom in East Java in the 11th century.
At that time, the government in power is King Marakatapangkaja. Therefore, many people who say that the complex of Gunung Kawi Aura was built by King Marakatapangkaja and completed by King Anak Wungsu.
One proof that the King Wungsu Children who completed this building is the tomb of King Children Wungsu ashes. In addition, here too there is the tomb of King Udayana, king of the dynasty that led Warmadewa largest kingdom in Bali.
The second ash king's tomb is located behind the wall of the temple sculptures. With this tomb, no wonder if this temple complex known as Warmadewa Dynasty tomb.
Several sources of literature and citizens around Pura Gunung Kawi temple mentions that the cliff sculptures created by Kebo Iwa, Balinese folk legend that has great power. He made sculptures of the temple on this rock using his fingernails.
Elegance and temple wall carvings that were here charming views and must be maintained existence. Therefore, Archeological Heritage Preservation Hall Bali establish that this area is the archaeological assets must always be preserved

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