Hesitate to use glass in the bathroom, for fear of privacy disturbed? Here there is a great way, still use glass, privacy is also maintained. Curious?
It is common knowledge that the glass is always telling impression brings light, airy, spacious, bright, and so forth. Unfortunately, for the bathroom, "miracle" is often off the glass used. Yet the bathroom area, which is generally narrow, really need it. The reason, especially if it were not for the transparent nature of glass, which must have worried the shower activity could diintip people.
Yet the real problem is not in glass applications, you know. But the choice of glass type and placement. For example in the bathroom in this picture. At the end of the tub, directly adjacent to the yard, placed the glass wall. No need to worry about spy, because the glass used is not transparent. Sandblast glass with little surface buramlah applied here. Let frosted, glass is still carrying out its role with baik.Ia still enter the sunlight and give the impression of light.
Still not convinced with the "security" your privacy, despite already choose glass sandblast? There is no way the next, leafy plant that is put in front of the glass wall, on the outside of the home. Thus, the walls of glass became more closed. The risk, so sunlight can not enter with a maximum.
With two this way, no need to hesitate anymore creative with glass, in the bathroom. Good luck!