Minimalist house has a message to the eye of the observer has the ease in lines and shapes, so easy in understanding both form and function, but often found in a house with a form that is easy on the eyes 0leh understand this only tends to show and highlight the aesthetic value without thinking functionally. almost all buildings facade view always reflects the activity of the activities in it. from pernyataaan is certainly minimalist form in the horizontal and vertical dominance by extending the loop would have to have the function of the activity in it. This minimalist style has more or less enough to associate with superior if in tropical locations because many of the loop line can be a media skyligth and wind.
Minimalist House
Minimalist house has a message to the eye of the observer has the ease in lines and shapes, so easy in understanding both form and function, but often found in a house with a form that is easy on the eyes 0leh understand this only tends to show and highlight the aesthetic value without thinking functionally. almost all buildings facade view always reflects the activity of the activities in it. from pernyataaan is certainly minimalist form in the horizontal and vertical dominance by extending the loop would have to have the function of the activity in it. This minimalist style has more or less enough to associate with superior if in tropical locations because many of the loop line can be a media skyligth and wind.

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